In order to transport small numbers of MINOS 20 normal liter carbon dioxoxide Cool Gas Generators in an efficient way, HDES S&E has developed a small transport box which can carry two Cool Gas Generators. When mounted inside this box, the Cool Gas Generators can be transport safely and easily. The box is not only classified outside hazardous class 1 (IMDG; ICAO; ADR, RID) but outside all hazardous classes by the Dutch Certification Authority. After reviewing the results of a confined firing they concluded that the box also does not meet the requirements of other classes and hazard divisions. The small transport box is therefore not subject the international dangerous goods regulations and can therefore be shipped as a non-dangerous good.
The box is designed to widthstand a firing of a Cool Gas Generators inside without any harmfull effects for the surrounding of the box.
The transportbox is made out of alumnium and can be delivered with customised company logo’s and handles for easy tranport. Each box is delivered with an Alutec outside container for even better protection and security.
The transportbox is designed for direct mounting of MINOS 20 normal liter carbon dioxide Cool Gas Generators but can be used for other types of Cool gas Generators with additionals brackets.
The outside size of the box isĀ 105 mm high, 220 mm wide and 146 mm deep. The empty mass is 1 kilogram.

Small transportbox for two 20 normal liter Minos carnon dioxide cool gas generators

Open small transportbox with 20 normal liter MINOS generator mounted inside