Capabilities & services
The capabilities of HDES Service & Engineering BV originate from the skills and knowledge to design, develop and produce Oxygen and Carbondioxide cool gas generators and implement them in many different applications. Our company has the capabilities to perform the end-to-end development of Cool Gas Generators, from first concepts (TRL 1) to fully operational and proven systems (TRL-9). This includes design and optimization of the systems where the generators need to work in.
A unique capability of our company is the design and development of Cool Gas Generator propellants and propellant grains, the very core of our products. HDES S&E can design the chemical reactions needed to produce the required gas, implement them into a working formulation for small scale testing and then develop it into a full grain for testing in our battleship test stand. Last step in the HDES development is to test the grain in a final casing with igniter and the right interfaces. This has led to the successful development of oxygen and Carbondioxide generators but can also be applied to new types of Cool Gas Generators.
To design and develop the casings or housing of the CGGs as well as their interfaces with the applications, HDES S&E has inhouse knowledge and software-tools to perform mechanical and electrical design. It also has the possibilities to build prototypes and even manufactures small production runs.
HDES S&E has constructed its own test equipment to test cool gas generators. These are:
- A teststand for firing Cool Gas Generators with a customised data acquisition and control system and different types of sensors
- An open air grain test stand to observe the burning behavior of a CGG grain
- A water proof pressure test stand which can deliver pressures of up to 300 bars
- A leak test set-up
Furthermore HDES has measurement equipment like scales, vernier calipers etc. to perform standard measurement during production and test.
Cool Gas Generators are low energy energetic materials and HDES has the knowledge, skills and equipment to work with these in a safe way. Our personnel is specifically educated and certified to work these materials.
HDES also has the knowledge and skills to set up requirements and create the development programmes needed to qualify them accordingly. HDES has experience with different qualification programmes ranging from full space qualification to small systems working in a protected workshop or office environment. It applies this knowledge not only to its own Cool Gas Generator products, but also helps customers to develop and validate their own products. High standards and quality management are our core values.
To get the optimal design and interfacing with the products and systems of our customers, HDES can apply its capabilities in system design and performance analysis to assist our customers in using the Cool Gas Generator in their products in the best way possible. A good example is the MINOS project where HDES worked with Bradford Engineering to best integrate the Cool Gas Generator in a space propulsion system.
With its thorough knowledge of the space market and the SBIC start-up community, HDES is also assisting companies in market research, proposal writing and business development, up to writing complete business and marketing plans.
HDES S&E provides different services to its customers. The sale and accompanying engineering service of cool gas generators is our main business. HDES offers standardized CGGs but can also design and developed customised products to the exact demands of our customers.
Next to this, HDES uses its capabilities to assist customers with engineering services both as a sub-contractor as well as personnel on site. This can be in mechanical, fluidic and electrical design, prototype design and manufacturing, requirements and test and verification programmes. Also HDES performs market research and business case and marketing plan development and writing for technical businesses and products.
With the capabilities and services, HDES has helped many customers creating good, useful and profitable business.