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ICARUS Horizon Europe project Kick-off successful

On the 5th and 6th of June 2024, Toby Sap, Sigurd Ravnan and Berry Sanders went to Madrid for the kick-off of the ICARUS Horizon Europe project. This project aims at developing and demonstrating an Inflatable Re-entry System with a sounding rocket flight in 2028. HDES S&E is one of the 11 partners in this project and responsible for the inflation system that will make use of  a large Cool Gas Gas generators.

During the kick-off the project goals were discussed and re-affirmed and the team members had the first opportunities to meet and discuss among each other. Several technical bottle-necks were identified and possible solutions were investigated.

In this project, HDES S&E will start the development of a 500 nl CO2 CGG but will also examine alternative and more efficient gas generators like hydrogen and mixed gas systems.

The project is led by Deimos Space Systems of Tres Campos in Spain with participation of ONERA (FR), DLR (D), CIRA (I), Atmos Space Cargo (D), Politechnico Torino (I), HDES S&E (NL) and Demcon (NL).

For more information please see the pressrelease