On the 10th of April, the Innovation day for the healthy and wounded soldier was held at the Defence complex Ede-Driesprong. During the day, there were different lectures, demonstrations and a small exhibition with stands. The goal was to bring industry en medical personnel together to discuss and feel how innovations could improve the efficiency, safety and output of their work. HDES / Solidflow was present with its Oxygen Cool Gas generators and to discuss with military personnel how the product could be developed so it provided the best fit for their needs. HDES personnel also visited the Role-1 tent medical outpost a
nd the new Scania medical post transport truck. Highlight of the day was the visit of Colonel Toon Kleinhout, the highest medical officer of the Dutch Army to our stand. Sigurd Ravnan and Armanda Hogedoorn informed him on the possibilities of the Cool Gas generator and the ongoing development project.
Left: Sigurd Ravnan and Armanda Hogedoorn inform Col. Kleinhout on the oxygen CGG