HDES Service & Engineering BV has been awarded a MIT feasibility study from the Province of South Holland to start investigating the possibilities to make the Cool Gas Generators even more sustainable. HDES has already started with this by offering a re-fill service for its MINOS Cool Gas Generators and a refund when customers return their spent Cool Gas Generators.
This study will look at all different aspects of the Cool Gas Generator life cycle, from raw materials to production methods and facilities, transport and use by customers to disposal and re-use and the end of life. Special attention will go to the re-use of casings of Cool Gas Generators and to the ways to create new grains from the slack left in the CGG after firing.
The study will look at all phases in the life cycle and study them in general. Then it will select a small number of ideas that will be studied in depth.
The study will last for one year and will be concluded by a final report containing ideas and plans to implement measures to make the company and our products as circular as possible.