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HDES wins SBIR Feasibility study

HDES wins a feasibility study in the SBIR programme of the Netherlands Space Office

The Netherlands Space Office (NSO) has selected HDES as one of the ten winning proposals in the SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) tender “space technology”. HDES Service and Engineering, together with Bradford Engineering  of Heerle, the Netherlands, will carry out a feasibility study into an innovative pressurisation system for small satellites. With the Cool Gas Generator based system, the tank kan be filled to a much higher level which can lead to an increase of the propellant load of 25% without major changes to the propulsion system itself. HDES and bradford have started work to demonstrate this feasibility, with desk studies, numerical simulation and experimental work.


During the feasibility study this design of a CO2 CGG was made




More information on the SBIR feasibility study selection can be found at