Since July 2019 HDES Service & Engineering has moved to the Space Business Incubation Centre of ESA in Noordwijk to be part of the Incubation programme. One of the first milestones in this programme was the 100 days review in which the progress in the development of Oxygen Cool Gas Generators was reviews.
HDES is an active member of the SBIC community and is now also present on its webpage.
This review was held on 18 November 2019 and was successfully passed. The development is well on track with the set-up of a small production facility and the first production experiments.
Furthermore HDES reported its progress in acquisition and financing the company and also this was well received by the SBIC.
HDES will continue to work on its next generation cool gas generators according to the plan laid out in Spring 2019 and accepted by the SBIC.
Left: artist impression of an oxygen device in development